By Patricia Jacoby
Publications Editor Events
Frost & Sullivan



Steve Riddell, Head of Customer Experience, Casper, recently led a Virtual Executive Assembly on Transformative Leadership: Leading Your Team into the Future. His presentation to Customer Engagement Leadership Council Members focused on the importance of coaching and the rise of the experiential organization, as opposed to a transactional organizational model.

The importance of transformational leadership can be found in the data. A recent Gallup: State of the Global Workplace survey showed that transactional leadership delivers a huge ROI that includes higher profits, reductions in turnover and reductions in employee onboarding time.

The significance of good leadership and management cannot be understated. In fact, according to Hubspot, approximately 70 % of people leave their jobs because of a poor relationship with their direct manager. Other negative effects of bad management may include lost productivity, poor team engagement, and a high turnover rate…all resulting in a lackluster customer experience, which ultimately affects the organization’s bottom line.

In contrast to this, Riddell presented positive approaches and top behaviors to help drive transformational leadership and results. These include:

  • Coaching for skill
  • Recognizing the worth in others
  • Creating a culture of competency
  • Giving meaningful feedback
  • Making effort worth it

Overall, ongoing skill development is the cornerstone of employee and organizational growth. Everything else is just management. Keys to coaching include “emotional deposits,” employee self-discovery through questions, (not statements) and consistent follow up.

In summary, Riddell stressed the foundational importance of following an experiential organizational model. The experiential organization is characterized by its focus on employee engagement, skill development and growth, and a culture that supports that.

This is enabled by informed leadership. Riddell also distinguished between “authority” and “leadership,” and underscored that competence should always win out.

The Virtual Executive Assembly concluded with a video of a spirited show from a happily engaged work group, no doubt a successful one.
